Phishing emails: How do they work?

From a Phishing Email to Automatic Malware Installation — the Shortest Path The State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection reports cyberattacks targeting enterprises and local government authorities. We want to remind you of the importance of cybersecurity. Here’s how the newly discovered scam works:
Attackers send phishing emails with the subject line “Table Replacement.”
The user clicks the link, supposedly leading to a Google Sheet, but is redirected to a page mimicking bot protection.
The familiar pattern unfolds: a click on “I’m not a robot” triggers the execution of a malicious script on the device.
A program is downloaded to the computer, creating a pathway for attackers to steal authentication data from browsers. All of this can be prevented from the outset by using infoMail by Infocom, which blocks malicious emails before they reach your inbox. Consult our experts and take a proactive approach to cybersecurity.
+38 044 230 52 19
What are the signs of a computer infection?

Installing antivirus software on digital devices: a practice we excel at. It’s a preventive method essential for protecting your devices. But what are the signs that your computer or smartphone might already be infected with viruses?
Slow performance when executing commands or launching applications.
Rapid battery drain compared to previous usage under the same load.
Uncontrolled behavior, such as programs opening on their own or unknown processes running in the system.
Unexpected accounts or sessions appearing under unknown users.
Missing or new files, along with sudden changes in the number or type of files.
Frequent errors or unusual messages appearing during regular device use. Most importantly, the risk of viruses on your devices is ever-present if robust antivirus protection isn’t in place. For comprehensive consultations and to order the service, contact Infocom.
+38 044 230 52 19
Infocom Celebrates Its 33rd Anniversary!

What does 33 years mean for an IT company? It’s decades of challenges, innovations, and relentless pursuit of excellence. These are the years we’ve grown alongside Ukraine, ensuring the stability of critical infrastructure, supporting international and government organizations, and delivering reliable solutions to our clients. A heartfelt thank you to our team members, partners, and clients for your trust, support, and shared achievements Ahead lie new heights, and we’re ready to conquer them!
Cybercrime group UAC-0050

Theft of confidential information and even funds And that’s not all—information and psychological operations via unauthorized access to work computers. This is the handiwork of the criminal group UAC-0050, uncovered by the CERT-UA government cybersecurity response team. It has been established that cybercrimes involving UAC-0050 occurred in October 2024, primarily targeting accountants’ workstations in large and medium-sized companies. These attacks were carried out using REMCOS / TEKTONITRMS malware. The damage inflicted on individual enterprises ranged from tens of thousands to several million hryvnias, with cybercriminals taking mere hours or a few days to carry out their thefts. How can you protect your business from such attacks?
Prioritize safeguarding your IT infrastructure instead of hoping the threat won’t reach you. We offer collaboration with cybersecurity professionals who are always ready to help
Check out our services on the website or give us a call for comprehensive consultation!
+38 044 230 52 19
Mass Malware Campaigns

Пропозиції про інтеграцію з сервісами Amazon, Microsoft чи про впровадження архітектури нульової довіри на робочій електронній пошті — це і є масова розсилка шкідливих повідомлень, про яку попереджає урядова команда реагування CERT-UA. Повідомлення з вкладенням конфігураційних файлів налаштування протоколу віддаленого робочого столу “.rdp” нещодавно отримали органи державної влади, підприємства основних галузей промисловості та військові формування. Це означає, що аж ніяк не можна втрачати пильності до вмісту робочих розсилок, адже часто саме емейли стають “воротами” для шкідливих файлів на персональних приладах і в корпоративній мережі загалом.Потурбуйтеся про поінформованість вашого персоналу щодо наявних загроз, а щоб зменшити будь-які ризики, рекомендуємо послугу infoMail для захисту електронної пошти. Для замовлення чи консультації звертайтесь за телефоном або через форму на сайті.
JE Infocom Is the Winner!

Infocom LLC Wins the National Ranking “Conscientious Taxpayers – 2023” in the Information and Telecommunications sector, organized by the Ukrainian Taxpayers Association This recognition holds special value for us. Despite challenging times, we continue to operate, advance the industry, and support Ukraine’s economy, contributing to our shared victory. A heartfelt thank you to our team and partners for your resilience and belief in a brighter future!
Mass Malware Campaigns

The Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reports an increase in phishing email scams allegedly sent on behalf of commercial courts in various regions. These emails claim the existence of a “debt collection order.” The messages are crafted to appear highly legitimate: they use the domain, real business names, and addresses. Additionally, the emails include a PDF attachment. However, once opened, the attachment installs spyware on the device, granting cybercriminals remote access to it. How to prevent this problem?Law enforcement advises ignoring suspicious emails and, under no circumstances, opening attached files. However, we recommend a more reliable solution: protect your corporate email with infoMail. This service is designed to counter all email-based threats, offering: Anti-spam, anti-phishing, and antivirus protection.
Defense against emerging threats and targeted attacks.
Analysis of suspicious files in a “sandbox.”
Compliance assurance and data protection. Learn more on our website: infoMail. Protect your data today!
Cyberhygiene – The Foundation Of Cybersecurity

Cybercrimes and Awareness: A Matter for Everyone If you use a smartphone, email, or participate in the online space, cybercrimes are your concern too. In September, Diia.Education and the USAID Cybersecurity Project launched a national awareness campaign on cyber hygiene. Through accessible and engaging content, Ukrainians are learning the basic rules and actions to safely use the internet and devices. At the same time, Infocom takes care of cybersecurity for Ukrainian businesses by offering a range of essential services. Delaying or avoiding their implementation means continuing to risk data confidentiality and remaining vulnerable to competitors and external threats. Take proactive steps today. Consult with us and secure your business before problems arise.
Congratulations on Defender of Ukraine Day!

Congratulations on Defender of Ukraine Day! We extend our gratitude to all Ukrainians who, in the years of aggression against our country, found the courage, determination, and strength to stand up for its defense! You are the embodiment of honor and bravery, a true example to follow. We are grateful to you every day for allowing us to live and work under the Ukrainian flag
Power-independent internet

Build a Successful Business with Internet from Infocom and Focus on Strategic Goals While We Ensure Stable Connectivity! We offer our clients internet powered by GPON technology The connection utilizes fiber optic cables and an ONU terminal to deliver the internet signal to your equipment. During power outages, you’ll need an independent power source, such as a power bank with appropriate voltage converters for the terminal and router. As a user, you’ll undoubtedly appreciate:
the system’s resilience during power supply disruptions;
consistently high data transmission speeds;
stable signal quality thanks to immunity to electrical interference. For a consultation, give us a call or fill out a form on our website.