
The headquarters of an agricultural company serves as the central management hub, responsible for strategic planning, financial control, supply chain coordination, logistics, and personnel management.


This critical operational center faces specific challenges, such as high cyber threat risks and the need to safeguard sensitive data. Cybercriminals may target the infrastructure to steal confidential information, financial data, or technological secrets. For instance, what happens if an office is incapacitated for several days due to a DDoS attack or a malware infiltration? A stark example is the NotPetya malware attack on Ukrainian companies, which caused data loss and prolonged operational disruptions, including in the agricultural sector.

Moreover, inadequate control over access to sensitive office areas could lead to unauthorized access to critical systems. This increases the risks of data theft, equipment damage, or data corruption, potentially resulting in severe consequences for the company.

Infocom, leveraging its extensive experience, understands your needs and offers a wide range of solutions to ensure the seamless and secure operation of your headquarters.

To guarantee stable internet access, we offer connectivity via GPON technology, which ensures reliable and high-speed connections regardless of power outages. With our backup power supply solutions, your headquarters will remain connected even in the most challenging conditions for extended periods.

For network and data security, we utilize modern technologies, including DDoS protection systems, which maintain uninterrupted network functionality even during intense attacks. Our network perimeter protection ensures reliable defense against external threats, preserving the confidentiality and integrity of your data while preventing unauthorized leaks. Combined with endpoint protection, your security becomes a unified system operating under a single set of corporate rules. This creates a holistic protective perimeter that safeguards the entire IT infrastructure of your headquarters, guaranteeing data security and operational continuity.

To protect your email, we offer service that provide robust defense against phishing attacks, spam, and other cyber threats. This enables your employees to exchange information securely without worrying about potential risks.

Corporate networks play a critical role in ensuring secure and reliable communication between the headquarters and your production and storage facilities. Implementing SD-WAN technology allows for optimized and simplified network management, providing high performance and efficiency. This is especially important for agricultural companies with geographically dispersed facilities.

Our cloud solutions enable the secure storage and backup of your data. Secure cloud backups are particularly vital for agricultural companies, as they allow you to store and protect critical information such as harvest history, supply logistics, and key data from management zone maps used to monitor soil fertility, fertilizer needs, and other essential parameters.

Access control systems (ACS) help effectively manage personnel movement and access to sensitive office areas. This provides an additional level of security, allowing you to monitor employee entry and exit and ensure that only authorized individuals can access critical zones.

With these solutions, Infocom ensures that your headquarters is reliably protected and ready to face any challenges, guaranteeing the uninterrupted and secure operation of your company.

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