In July, the government cyber incident response team CERT-UA recorded attacks by the hacker group UAC-0102 on the UKR.NET email service.
The cybercriminals aimed to steal accounts belonging to government employees, military personnel, and staff of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations.
Without proper protection for email, including content verification, any email could contain a link that redirects users to a phishing site upon being clicked.
In the case of UAC-0102 hackers, this involved a web resource resembling UKR.NET. The fake site prompted users to enter their login credentials, which were then sent directly to the attackers.
To secure your work email, consider using cybersecurity services like infoMail from Infocom. It provides:
- Link verification, anti-spam, anti-phishing, and antivirus protection.
- Analysis of suspicious files and code in a cloud-based “sandbox.”
- Compliance assurance and data protection.
Users of this service benefit from 24/7/365 technical support, ensuring the reliability of your email protection.